"I created the Surviving to Thriving Parenthood Podcast because parenthood becomes easier when you know that you're not alone." 

It's not always easy to wake up and be a parent and nothing is ever picture perfect. We face struggles, hardships, trials and sometimes life seems to be only giving us a difficult time. This podcast is here to share the stories of parents who've overcome the struggles, how they did it and where they are now. This podcast is here to help parents all over the world find strength, guidance and confidence to move forward in a positive way through their parenting journey. I hope that you join me in this Podcast so that you have the opportunity to hear from powerful people all over the world!

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"I wish I had this when I first became a parent "

No one ever shares the how-to's. How to overcome anger and become a calmer parent, how to properly manage stress and the overwhelming feelings of parenthood, how to overcome our triggers or how to help a child when they're angry, sad or anxious in a way that teaches them to become an emotionally stable adult. If you're sick of not getting answers, than this podcast is for you. Get unstuck from the emotional roller coaster and learn how to Emotionally Thrive.

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